Selasa, 17 Juni 2008


Present continuous tense.
The present continuous tense is used to talk about event/happening that are being done at the moment ( at the time we speak) or at the certain moment.

The sentence pattern is:
Subject + to be (am, is ,are ) Verb + ing + object / adverb.
I – am
She, he, it – is
You, we, they - are
Adverb time are: now, this time, at the moment, at present, this semester, this week, today.

For example:
We are (study) unit 11 now.
= we are studying unit 11 now
The teacher is (explain) the tense today.
The students are (practice) unit 6 this week.
They are (do) the industry practice this year.

The negative sentences are adding NOT after to be (is, am, are).
I am not studying English now.
The girl……………………….
The boy………………………

The introgative sentences are made by moving to be (am, is, are) to the front of subject 9 at the beginning of the sentences) give a question mark (?) at the end of the sentences.
Am studying English now?
Is Dony…………………?
…the girl……………….. ?


Task 2
Learn some expression used in asking for in giving permission.
Asking for permission
Do you mind if I leave now?
May I come in?
Could I…, please?
Excuse me, could I try on the computer?
I wonder if I could borrow your camera.

Giving permission (positive response):
By all names.
Go ahead.
Yes, why not.
All right, please do.
Yes, of course.
Yea that’s fine
Yes, certainly.

Refusing permission (negative response)
I’m afraid you can do that.
You are not allowed to…
You should not…
No, I am sorry. You can’t…
Task 1
Before reading the text, find the meaning of the works on the list below.
You may check them on your dictionary.
Trade : … produce: …
Better : … oil : …
Foreigner: … too : ….
Show : … means : ….
History : … ride : ….
Improve : … get : …
Rubber : … country: …
Tin : … enjoy : …
Copra : …

One person has a vegetable, but wants fruit. Another man has a great deal of fruit, but wants some vegetables. So the first man gives some of his vegetables to the second. And he second man gives some of his fruit to the first. He has exchanged the vegetables for the fruit. They are happy now. Trade has made them happy.
People have always traded. Why have they traded? They have traded because they have wanted a better life. At first people exchange their things for other things. Now people buy and sell things—they trade for money.
Many foreigners have come to Indonesia for trade. The first trader came for spices. That was very long time ago. Now the trader comes here for many other things.
History has shown us that a country has to trade if its people want a better life. Indonesia is trying hard to improve its trade. Its sell many things to other countries but the most important thongs are oil, rubber, tin and copra.
What has trade with other countries brought us? It has brought the things that we do not make. The car that we drive, the trains that we ride in, and the watches that we wear are examples of these things. It is not hard to understand that they have made life better.

But we can trade only if we have more things than we need. So we have to make or produce more things to sell. We have to produce more oil, more rubber, more tin and more of the things. we have to produce better things, too, because we can get more money for them. All this means hard work to us, hard work at school, hard work at the office, hard work in the city, hard word work in the country, hard work everywhere. By this way we can enjoy the good things in life.

Answer the question below:
1. Why do people trade?
2. How did people trade many years ago?
3. Did they have money then?
4. What does “people trade for money” mean?
5. Why did the first trader from other countries come to Indonesia?
6. What does Indonesia produce for trade with other countries?
7. Give some examples of things which other countries sell to us?
8. How can we improve our trade?

Complete the sentences by choosing the suitable word from the list.

Improve foreigner trade exchange drives
Vegetables rubber spices mean copra
History tin a great deal

a vegetarian is person who does not eat meat. He only eats……and fruit.
in the old form of……we do not use money, but we……something we have for something we need.
tyres are made of………..
in some part of Indonesia……..and……are the most important products
if you want to…….your English, you must practice it everyday.she is a new driver, so he…… the car very slowly and carefully