Selasa, 17 Juni 2008


Present continuous tense.
The present continuous tense is used to talk about event/happening that are being done at the moment ( at the time we speak) or at the certain moment.

The sentence pattern is:
Subject + to be (am, is ,are ) Verb + ing + object / adverb.
I – am
She, he, it – is
You, we, they - are
Adverb time are: now, this time, at the moment, at present, this semester, this week, today.

For example:
We are (study) unit 11 now.
= we are studying unit 11 now
The teacher is (explain) the tense today.
The students are (practice) unit 6 this week.
They are (do) the industry practice this year.

The negative sentences are adding NOT after to be (is, am, are).
I am not studying English now.
The girl……………………….
The boy………………………

The introgative sentences are made by moving to be (am, is, are) to the front of subject 9 at the beginning of the sentences) give a question mark (?) at the end of the sentences.
Am studying English now?
Is Dony…………………?
…the girl……………….. ?

2 komentar:

$umint4 mengatakan...

hi bro...
your material is good, i just worry your material make your student bored. but i believe you can make your student is fun..

give your comment to my tutor blog, please!!!

rien mengatakan...

i try to answer your task..
1. explaining
2. practicing
3. doing

b. not studying English now
2.they are not studyin English now
3.the girl is not studying English now
4. the boy is not studying English now

1. are they studying English now?
2. is the girl studying English now?
3. are you studying English now?